Friday, April 6, 2012

I Vow To Love You...

Okay i just got back from the cinema...
Me Momma Lyian And thiya je yang pergi....
Adry ade aktiviti dkt sekolah maybe solat hajat i guess sebb nak spm kan so bwt aktiviti2...watever!
And Fana na na na pergi dating dengan Zakie kie kie kie BOOOOO!
So, we went to wangsa walk to watch the wow THE VOW.. It was a romantic movie...

Its about these two lovers fall deeply in love with each other..they get married and bla bla bla...
Suddenly, the woman got into accident and lost her memories... :(
The guy do the best he could to help his wife to regain her memories..
But the wife seems not interested to get her memory back because shes afraid that she might not like the new her...The husband do the best he could to get back his wife...
Unfortunately they divorce since the wife cannot remember their love together...
I cannot reveal to much info about this movie becoz everyone need to go and watch for yourself...

It is based on true story...Seriously soo sad because Until the end the wife cant regain her memories back but the husband make the wife fall in love with him all over again..Thats what we call sweet love forever and ever... NEVER GIVE UP! WAY TO GO!

The wife is Rachel McAdams but the husband is soooo freaking charming and handsome which played by  Channing Tatum... <3 till then xoxo!

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