I am graduated student of accounting...
From University of Teknologi Mara,(UiTM Segamat, Johor)
3years i struggling to finished my professional course...
It was a difficult and yet experience time of my life...
But now i decided to further my studies to next level...
I choose to be still in business areas..
Not accounting anymore...Nope not anymore...
I am now studying Bachelor of Finance (Hons)....
Its a different path i choose rather than continue in accounting...
It is easier...not that easy but its no a burden than before..
Now i am living at Machang, Kelantan..
Its a new place and absolutely different culture..
I seriously cant adapt here yet....
Its because there is no entertainment here...
Where entertainment is absolutely important for me.. (WTHECKK???)
I need to put my self together and have faith..
Remember people who loves me...
And be strong..
Allah, Moms, sisters, brother, best-friends, Granny,
Its the best for me...
Just suck it and i will be fine..
So here is my life
Block D-classes |
Uitm machang is soo freaking big...Its very alike Uitm Shah Alam..
Berbukit bukit and if you want to move in this uitm you need to ride a van..
And it cost you only 50sen..
As a bachelor student i rent a house and not applying a college..
My house is a small bungalow besides uitm and its so near...
Its a very comfy house where it has washing machine,refrigerator,tv with astro :p
It has 8 rooms here where some have 4 or 5 people in a rooms..
Btw i need to wear hijab here..
So its not a problem for me because maybe i can change for good ;p
Who knows ~
Ah-lan wassalam |
Spot the differences ;p |
With nurul and afeikah |
Sayy meooww ;O |