Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bachelor time~

Say hello to another path of life...
I am graduated student of accounting...
From University of Teknologi Mara,(UiTM Segamat, Johor)
3years i struggling to finished my professional course...
It was a difficult and yet experience time of my life...

But now i decided to further my studies to next level...
I choose to be still in business areas..
Not accounting anymore...Nope not anymore...
I am now studying Bachelor of Finance (Hons)....
Its a different path i choose rather than continue in accounting...
It is easier...not that easy but its no a burden than before..

Now i am living at Machang, Kelantan..
Its a new place and absolutely different culture..
I seriously cant adapt here yet....
Its because there is no entertainment here...
Where entertainment is absolutely important for me.. (WTHECKK???)

I need to put my self together and have faith..
Remember people who loves me...
And be strong..
Allah, Moms, sisters, brother, best-friends, Granny,
Its the best for me...
Just suck it and i will be fine..

So here is my life

Block D-classes

Uitm machang is soo freaking big...Its very alike Uitm Shah Alam..
Berbukit bukit and if you want to move in this uitm you need to ride a van..
And it cost you only 50sen..
As a bachelor student i rent a house and not applying a college..

My house is a small bungalow besides uitm and its so near...
Its a very comfy house where it has washing machine,refrigerator,tv with astro :p
It has 8 rooms here where some have 4 or 5 people in a rooms..

Btw i need to wear hijab here..
So its not a problem for me because maybe i can change for good ;p
Who knows ~

Ah-lan wassalam

Spot the differences ;p

With nurul and afeikah

Sayy meooww ;O

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I know ramadhan sudahhh berlaluuuu~ Raya sudah pergiiiii~~~
But i miss the moment...Especially hang out with my friends..
Now everyone is busy with their college life and work life.... -.-
So untuk mengubat rindu....I just wanted to make this entry of our little hang out which is berbuka puasa with my friendsss ....
Location : Great Estern Mall - Cozy House Restaurant <3 p="p">

Yaya intan wanie me~

Friday, September 21, 2012

My Hevox Aidilfitri 2012

Well every year me and family will celebrate our Raya Eve at Alor Setar Kedah! ;D
Our Atuk and Tok wan's house :D
First day like a tradition after solat raya we would collect our duit raya from family members and ber maaf-maafann :P
The only makan ketupat rendang...
Nasi tomato yumm~
So then only we can go meraya to others house!
My Family potrait

Bajet Victoria Secret >.<
Collecting duit raya and bermaaf-maafan -.-

Our second day of raya is more hevox than the first one...
Mom would cook rendang to eat with ketupat...Since atuk is paralyze so not enough hand to cook...Mom just need to order delicious food from Ana's parents...Becoz on the second day all our relatives and cousineesss would come and raya <3 p="p">
My family portrait of second day!

Craziesttt cousin!

With piqa@peot

And the third day of raya me-family and cousin went to penang....
Jalan jalannn jalann...Makannn makann makann..shoppingg shopping...rayyaaa rayyaaa!

And since raya is one month to celebrate, so the next following week i organize open house to my dearer bestfriendsss <3 aiceetttt="aiceetttt" at="at" babehh="babehh" garden="garden" kuala="kuala" lumpur="lumpur" melati="melati" my="my" nbsp="nbsp" p="p" place="place" raya="raya" s="s" to="to">Mum cooks bihun soup and special tomato's soup mee! Yumm~

Mimie-school friend!

Uitm pals-aten & syaza


School mates





With Azim~

My Gymnast pals~

Yaya my bff~
Me the host~

So till then~ Xoxo @ AmyL

Saturday, July 28, 2012

SaLam Al-Mubarak~

Okay its been a week dah berpuasa...Alhamdullilah..
So in this great month let us beramal ibadah :)

Just wanna share my menu of berbuka puasa this one whole week :D

These are so called dessert i guess...

Roti Jala with curry chicken

Butter cuppie cakes

Cookies oats

Moist Choc cake

Oh btw we made some triffle and it delicious but the looks doesn't so much...So i decided not to upload it here:)

And now for our main dishes ~
For the first 3days we ate rice but then since boring and everyone want to diet and look good in their "Baju Raya".. And so we change to taiwan soups...Or Western Food..Its all home made :P

Not to forget my Midnight Snacks
Froggie Cadburry and Mark & Spencer Choc~
And peeps~ Last but not least dont forget to lakukan byk amal-ibadah :D

Masjid Wilayah

Bak kata ustaz setelah selesai solat subuh banyakkan membaca al-quran..
Just sharing :)....Till then